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War Song
Tales Of The Native American Indians
Available in Hardback, Paperback and eBook.
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
171 pages
Available in Paperback, And eBook
ISBN: 978-1-64871-756-7 Paperback
Native American history like others in history was scattered with stories of war. Whether it be the fighting of other tribes or conflicts with white settlers, their history was filled with bloodshed. In the days before the arrival of guns, battles could last days, and casualties could number in the hundreds. While eastern Indians fought almost exclusively to achieve retribution, southwestern Indians clashed with their neighbors both to avenge previous wrongs and to loot them of material possessions.
In time tribal Warfare became more individualistic and therefore less bloody. It was more of an opportunity for young boys to acquire respect through demonstrations of courage. It became more honorable for a warrior to make contact with his enemy (count "coup") or steal his horse than to kill him.
In This book is a collection of war related stories and others that create a history of the North American Indians. While the stories are sometimes graphic and contain much killing, they depict a true vision of history.
Among the stories included in the collection are: The Origin of Medicine, The Warlike Seven, The Warrior of High Cliff, Warriors of the Rainbow, The War Medicine, The False Warriors of Chilhowee, The Last Shawano Invasion, The Shawano Wars, Hatcinoñdoñ's Escape from The Cherokee, Escape of The Seneca Boys, Two War Trails, The Death of Head Chief and Young Mule, A War Between the Alabama And the Choctaw, War between Senecas and Cherokees, The Legend of the Apache Tear, Origin of the Sacred Arrow, A Widow’s Revenge, The First War, and many more.