Rise Of The Snow Queen - The Polar Bear King

Everyone has heard the legend of Snedronningen. She has gone by many names. The most popular of those is Snow Queen. Many who have crossed her path have paid the price. Prince Valeman rejected her proposal of marriage. In a psychotic rage, her revenge was swift. By night he is a man, by day, the Polar Bear King. If he cannot break the enchantment by the time it runs its course, he will forever remain a beast.
Best-Selling author, G.W. Mullins, has re-envisioned two classic Fairy tales into a new four-part dark fantasy book series for adults in “Rise Of The Snow Queen.” Beginning with the well-loved classic “The Polar Bear King,” Mullins builds an unexpected new direction for the story. The Snow Queen in this series, presents herself as so much more than “Frozen.” She comes forward as an ambitious, multi-powered goddess ready to rule and destroy anyone who stands in her way. While paying homage to the original stories, Mullins reminds us that not all fairy tales have happy endings, and this classic is not for children.

Available in Hardback, Paperback, and various eBook formats
Rise Of The
Book One
The Polar Bear King
Available in Hardback, Paperback and eBook.
Snow Queen

Use the link below to order The Hardback Edition from the publisher at a discount $20.99 + shipping
Use the link below to order The Paperback Edition from the publisher at a discount $9.99 + shipping
Rise Of The Snow Queen Book 1: The Polar Bear King Commercial
5.0 out of 5 stars - Amazon Review
Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2019
G.W. Mullins takes a fairy tale story, and with his transition of words and smooth flowing, perfectly paced sequences, turns it into a tale worthy to stand up there with the likes of the classical tales of Snow White and others like it!
G.W. starts us in the home of Jorgen with his family and takes us far away… to a mountain top with a sinister secret, and a sinister Queen. This Queen, with a heart of fiery ice will stop at nothing to get what she searches for… she is a malicious being, full of fury.
But can that fury be matched against the Polar Bear King, or anyone else for that matter, who is unfortunate enough to cross paths with this snow white darkness? Or are they destined to fill her castle as a sculpture/fragment of what they used to be? They may not fill her frozen castle, but they will almost certainly break to her will...
I found the story really well written, and it's structure very well done. I was hooked from the first chapter and I found the ending to be everything I wanted it to be. No, fairy tales don't always have happy endings indeed, such is the case with this book.