The Native American Story Book
Stories Of The American Indians For Children

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
160 pages
Available in Hardback, Paperback, And eBook
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6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
174 pages
Available in Hardback, Paperback, And eBook
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6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
176 pages
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6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
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6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
192 pages
Available in Hardback, Paperback, And eBook
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The Native American Story Book
Stories Of The American Indians For Children Volumes 1-5
5.0 out of 5 stars - Amazon Review for The Native American StoryBook Vol. 1
Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2021
This book is about beautiful Native American stories passed down from many generations. The author is also Native American, which makes this book even valuable.
For many hundreds of years, people wandered into the great northwest. They came from all directions across Canada and the United States. These early people were not only skilled farmers, they were also clever builders, engineers, and weavers. They loved games of skill. They created stories, songs and poetry. Although they spoke many different languages, and had many different customs, they had at least one thing in common - they were the first immigrants.
The Native Americans were grouped into tribes or nations usually based on the area they lived in and their culture such as their religion, customs, and language. Sometimes smaller tribes were part of a bigger tribe or nation. There were hundreds of tribes throughout the United States when Columbus first arrived. Many of them are well known such as the Cherokee, Apache, and the Navajo.
Native Americans used games, myths, dance, and impersonation to teach the children of their history and ways of life. They did not write down or record their history, so we have to find out about their history in other ways. Many oral histories were lost when European explorers and settlers came to the Americas. With them, they brought disease. The People became ill with smallpox and other illnesses. Many died. Much was lost.
Through storytelling, the rich history of the Native American tribes is alive and well today. It has been shared and preserved and still pays tribute to fallen heroes of the past. It is through these glimpses into the past, and these stories much like the ones that are contained in this book, that you can see what a proud heritage they possess and how in tune with the Earth Native Americans really are.
With these books I hope you understand the Native American people a little better and understand where they have come from and what they can offer the world. By exploring these stories I offer you a glimpse into an often forgotten past. The past of my people. I was born Cherokee and as a child heard many of these stories. These stories were passed to me in the old traditional way by my grandfather. And now I give these stories to you, to carry forward for younger generations to explore and learn.
Included in Volume One are: How the Terrapin Beat the Rabbit, How the Deer got his Horns, Why the Turkey Gobbles, How the Redbird got his Color, The Bear Man, The Man in the Stump, Determination of Night and Day, The Lost Cherokee, The Legend of the Cedar Tree, The First Moccasins, The Legend of the Apache Tear, The Gift of the Peace Pipe, Brother of the Moon, Teepee Etiquette and many, many more.
Among the stories included in Volume Two are: The Beaver and the Old Man, The Old Beggar, How the Rabbit Stole the Otter's Coat, Origin of the Pleiades and the Pine, What Became of the Rabbit, Origin of Light, The Spirit Land, The Fable of the Animals, The Theft of Fire, The Creation, The Empounded Water, The Deceived Blind Men, Manabozho's Wolf Brother, The Boy Who Became a God, Song of the Ghost Dance, A Raccoon Story, and many, many more.
Included in Volume Three are the stories: The Song of Hiawatha, Iktomi and the Muskrat, The Boy and the Turtles, The Arrow Chain, The Toad and the Boy, The Sparrow Hawk and the Grasshoppers, Origin of the Groundhog Dance, The Eye Juggler, The Tree-bound, The Sun Snarer, How the Rattlesnake Learned to Bite, The White Trail in the Sky, The Pet Donkey, The Enchanted Horse, The Story of the Peace Pipe, The Raccoon and the Crawfish, Splinter Foot Girl, Creation of Man, Coyote and Sun, The Children of Cloud, Iktomi's Blanket, Why the Apaches are Fierce, and many, many more.
Among the stories included in Volume Four of the Native American Story Book are: The Woman and her Bear, The Story of Winter Snow, The Warrior of High Cliff, The Sacred Pipe of the T'salagi, The Origin of Fire and the Canoe, The Long Journey, A New Bow for Tani, The Trickster's Great Fall and His Revenge, Grandfather Thunder, The Origin of the Doll Being and many, many more.
Included in Volume Five are: The Story of the Land of Northern Lights, The Legend of the Bear Family, The Origin of Summer and Winter, The Story of the Buffalo-painted Lodges, The Story of the Camp of the Ghosts, Creation of the First Indians, The Story of the Little Burnt Face Girl, Origin of the Sweat Lodge, Rabbit and the Moon Man, Ghost of the White Deer, Unktomi and the Arrowheads, The Story of the First Pine Trees, Raven and His Grandmother, The Story of the Snow Man, The Origin of Medicine, and many more.

Books In This Series Are Available in Hardback, Paperback, and various eBook formats