The Native American Cookbook
Recipes From Native American Tribes
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
134 pages
Available in Hardback, Paperback, And eBook
ISBN: 978-1-63587-801-1 Hardback
ISBN: 978-1-64007-710-2 Paperback
Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2021
There is nothing that I dislike. I love it.
Many people do not realize it, but Native American foods are rich in nutrition as well as heritage. Few people know that over fifty percent of the foods we enjoy today were used by the Indians centuries ago.
Native Americans were not only experts at hunting wild game, but they also were excellent farmers. They were known to cultivate crops in high, arid desert regions that required elaborate irrigation systems. Wild plants were also used abundantly to supplement the diet. Nothing was wasted, even the roots were often ground into powders to be used breads and other foods.
Native Americans have always been well revered for being resourceful people, and when it comes to food, there is no difference. They were well versed at using the ingredients that were readily available to them and for making many different foods with them.
Native American delicacies have shaped American culture as a whole. Today’s society owes much of what it has learned about food and the natural American resources to the early Native Americans. Included in this book are many recipes that cover a wide range of Native American cooking. Some recipes are tradition while others have been redeveloped over the years to include new ways of cooking and include new spices and ingredients. The recipes in this collection have been chosen in a way to stay true to the Native experience.
Enjoy these recipes and take a look back at a healthier nation. One which did not rely on processed foods. Experience true Native American flavor and creativity.
Use the link below to order The Hardback Edition from the publisher at a discount $21.99 + shipping
Use the link below to order The Paperback Edition from the publisher at a discount $10.99 + shipping
Native American Cooking
An Indian Cookbook With Legends, and Folklore
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
320 pages
Available in Paperback, And eBook
ISBN: 978-1-64516-869-0 Paperback
Amazon Review
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 19, 2017
looks like its going to be a good read!
Native Americans have always been well revered for being resourceful people, and when it comes to food, there is no difference. They were well versed at using the ingredients that were readily available to them and for making many different foods with them.
Included in this book is a large collection of recipes that have been chosen from many tribes located throughout the United States and Canada. Also included are a collection of stories both related to food, which offer life lessons and tell us of a past that has been somewhat forgotten. Some recipes are tradition while others have been redeveloped over the years to include new ways of cooking and include new spices and ingredients. The recipes in this collection have been chosen in a way to stay true to the Native experience.
Enjoy these recipes and take a look back at a healthier nation. One which did not rely on processed foods. These stories and the recipes go hand in hand to paint a picture of Native American Indian life and history.
Use the link below to order The Paperback Edition from the publisher at a discount $16.99 + shipping

Available in Paperback, and various eBook formats