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More Star People, Sky Gods

And Other Paranormal Tales Of The Native American Indians

More Star People Tales Of Native America
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5.0 out of 5 stars - Amazon Review

A good read for those interested in Native American culture.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 22, 2021

I bought this as a present for a friend whose ancestry dates back to the native American Indian.

He absolutely loves it and said the first two stories re the Cherokees were most interesting.

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Available in Hardback, Paperback, and various eBook formats

More Star People,

Sky Gods

And Other

Paranormal Tales Of The 

Native American Indians

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
166 pages

Available in Paperback, And eBook


In Native American history, there are many legends about UFOs, gods and aliens. There has always been a connection between Native Americans and beings from other parts of the universe, referred to as Star People. Perhaps due to familiarity with celestial fixtures, it has been easier for Native Americans to relate events they have experienced on earth with things such as the formation of the Pleiades.  The experience of tribal individuals with the Pleiades is featured quite proximately in legends across many tribes including Cherokee, Onondaga, Lakota and others.  It is not hard to believe they would identify an event with a star, being the nature and history of tribes was to exist outdoors.  The night sky would be paid much more attention by one who did not live indoors.

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Through the many legends and tribes you can find instances where natives are either rescued or helped by gods or Star Beings. The Pleiades is the basis of the creation of the Hopi Indians. The Dakota also speak of 'the abode of the ancestors' or Tiyami as a place of their origin. Other native oral histories, or legends, speak of an origin, in the stars generally, or other constellations. The Cree did not originate from human beings but from people from the constellations who later became humans. While others like the Lakota tell stories of beings from the skies.

Regardless of the tribe or the whether the interaction is through a god or star people, there is proof that the ancient people of North America believed they have been visited by unexplainable beings from the heavens and beyond. The stories in the collection tell of many different tribes and their experiences and the outcome of walking with these beings. From experiences with aliens, to the dead rising in spirit form, this book will cover a wide range of stories of the paranormal.

The stories in this collection include:  Wakinyan Tanka The Great Thunderbird, The Cloud People, The Legend of the Five Races of Man, The Gift of the Peace Pipe, Eagle Boy, Splinter Foot Girl, Origin of the Medicine Man, Dream Walk, The Sun Tests His Son-in-law, The Foster Child of the Deer, Crossing the Red Sea, Men Visit the Sky, Little People of the Cherokee, Untsaiyi' The Gambler, The White Faced Bear, Dirty Boy, The Ghost Country, Dance of the Dead, The Spirit Wife, The Tower of Babel, Dug-From Ground, The Sun Snarer, The White Trail in the Sky, The Skin Shifting Old Woman, The Flying Canoe, The Magic Arrows, The Origin of Game and of Corn, The Slant-Eyed Giant and many others.

© 2025 G.W. Mullins

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